Russia’s New Flag

Designer and top blogger Artemy Lebedev launched on Aug. 23 a contest in his blog to design a new flag of Russia:


“Why does the old one suck? First of all, the colors of a Russian flag are usually shit, as if specifically picked for cheap sportswear. Secondly, it’s always confused either with the French or the Dutch. Finally, it’s about time we rid ourselves of a flag that starts with white.”

Russia’s creative minds were up for the task with the dedication and self-depreciation of true Russians. Here are Bears & Vodka’s favourite picks. Enjoy.

Ravil Salimullinegorka201Nikolay KumambeiroKonb77: Gas, oil, bucksacrashikalborisovgridihyadich: a logical continuation of the state-church symbiosisnevermd: black means oil, transparent means gaspollda_box: black is for oil, red—blood, grey is for the shadowy economy that we have, the rest is clearendcorvosileymatryoshkeen: red symbolizes kindness, yellow is for love. The arabic lettering says the people of this country are hard-working. The symbols in the upper left speak of the chosen nature of the peoplelatinoamericanscrash1945 laugh1ng_man Devid Kaumenketzal_koatlromansin alexalender morkovkin_dichanton_vsh: Oil and gasm_b_emorkovich_dich: obvious ideas are Chechnya, the oil pipe, raspil, Russia United, the Orthodox Church design3dfukhuro
By Max Bears

Not much is known about Max Bears, except for his obsession with the Russian language and Apple products. Sometimes seen on a bicycle around downtown Moscow, he is indistinguishable from the wild bears that roam the streets of Russia's capital.