Children of the USSR

Late 1980s is a very special time for the generation of Russian (post-Soviet) 25-year-olds.They were too young to remember the actual events but they still feel like they’ve been there. It has a lot to do with the fact that their childhood in the early 1990s went by in pretty much the same setting, with same schoolbooks and furniture, and schools, and streets, and everything. Most of us at the Bears & Vodka editorial are members of that exact generation, so our fondness of artefacts of those days is no surprise.

That is why coming across the following selection of photos, made by a Japanese photographer Yusuhiko Miyajima in 1987, was a really pleasant surprise. Even though all of the world was coming through tough political times, these photos bear nothing political. These are just the photos showing actual life of an actual Soviet schoolgirl. Take a look.

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By Slava Moroz

Slava prefers to be That Guy. Because everyone wants to be That Guy. Even his favorite B&V merchandize t-shirt says so.